The Extremely NSFW Forbidden Tik Tok We Couldn't Post In The Full Episode of Lowering The Bar
BUT, there was one forbidden clip we had to leave out of the full episode. MAINLY because Mark Zuckerberg is a coward, so the only place we could post without getting our social accounts banned were Twitter and Barstool. The two last remaining vestiges of truth.
No idea what in the FUCK this … THING actually is, but based on context clues I can gather those most likely are a row of fake penises, that is definitely a long tuft of wet human hair, it has a foot, and the fact you can suction it to the shower floor can only mean that this is a homemade sex toy from hell. I'm all for a fun freak in the sheets, but not a literal circus freak show. If this is what this person's sex toys look like, I'd imagine their house furniture is made completely from human skin.